28 January 2014

Review: Warm Bodies

Zombie Twilight.

That's what caught my attention when I saw a teaser for Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. Naturally, I was drawn. Hey, I was one of those twihards way before it became a hit!

So my friends and I talked about reading the book then seeing the movie. I saw good reviews of both so I was really excited over this new zombie story. I got an e-book copy and began reading it...

The first few chapters were interesting. I don't know if it's really a fresh take on the zombie classic myth because I've read quite a number of zombie stories and there's always the premise of a cure, of a transformation, a mutation of the plague. Have you read The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan? Or The Passage by Justin Cronin? The same post-apocalyptic age where people mutated into something other than a human. A cure is in the horizon but when it will be discovered it was not discussed in the story.

In Warm Bodies, it was a bit of the same story wherein zombies abound the earth. Within those zombies, a mutation of some kind is also taking place. I won't go into details anymore but suffice it to say that it will keep you reading until the end.

I have mixed reactions toward this book. On one hand, I applaud the fresh idea of a Twilight-like zombie story. On the other hand, I really didn't like the shallowness of the story, leaving me irritated, confused, and wanting more.

If you are looking for a story worth your time, this is not the book for you. But if you are looking for a super light read, then go grab this book.


Warm Bodies rating: 1 out of 5 stars


P.S. This is a very late review of this book. I read this back in early 2013.

14 January 2014

Run a marathon.

I keep seeing friends and relatives who are active in running. Each update they post in Facebook makes me want to take up running, too, and in the future, run a marathon.

I have been overweight for most of my life. I have tried to lose weight time and again but it all resulted to seeing myself get back those pounds I lost. I am not getting any younger and I am aware of the fact that I need to be fit and healthy if I don't want to get sick.

Soon, I will. And I will be able to run a marathon, too!

04 January 2014

New year, new beginnings.

I just love new beginnings. This year 2014 is a new beginning for me. A time for me to pursue my plan B. And I am hoping and praying harder than I ever did that it will all work out for me this year. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be given a chance to live my dream.

January, please be good to me.
