Now that I am getting older, I realized just how short life is. I am no longer subjecting myself to bad books. I stopped laboring over stories I have no interest in. I stopped reading books just because people are talking about it. I have discovered...

Did Not Finish.
The blurb is good so I'd pick up a book. A few chapters in, I'd realize that I am a) getting annoyed over the story arc, b) annoyed at the voice of the author, c) not that interested in or couldn't relate to the main characters, or d) just not interested period. If this happens, I stop reading. There are some instances when I would try to pick up the book again, going back to my old habit, but most of the time, when I stop, I really stop.
You will see some books with a DNF tag here. I hate it when I had to stop reading but there are just some stories which fail to command my attention enough to finish reading it.
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